Saturday, March 10, 2012

Getting ready for a move

This is seriously no fun at all. I don't know why we have all this STUFF! And I am a chronic anti-packrat. It drives my DH crazy. I had to make him a promise that I wouldn't get rid of anything else that was his. :)
Here's a picture of my living room today. We are trying to get most of the stuff for this shipment in one location, since we aren't sending everything at once. This is about half the weight of what we are sending. Trying to pack up part of your life and plan on what you will need for an unknown amount of time is a big tiring on the mind.

The kids are being surprisingly good about this whole thing. The idea of being parted from toys for up to six months doesn't seem to bother them that much and I am impressed! I haven't had to bribe or cajole or threaten or anything.

We got quite a lot sorted and taken care of today! And with that I am off to work on my UFO pile! That little pink, purple and green UFO top is coming along nicely! I am having fun with the borders and will post more on it soon!

Have a great Saturday!

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