Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Earth Worm Rescue!

After the big rains over the weekend, we took a walk to see the swollen creek down the road. On the way, we kept stepping over earth worms that had washed across the road. Some were even still alive! My kids took great pleasure in gently picking up the worms and putting them in the grass and dirt by the road. They must have saved six or so worms!! We live on a relatively quiet country road and we enjoy a walk-about on a regular basis.

 Of course my kitty, d'Artagnan, had to follow us down the road, too. (Yes, he's named after one of the Musketeers.)He was yowling at me the entire time, like he was worried about us or something. Sometimes he is extra talkative and other times he won't have anything to do with me. I love the way he will follow us on our walks, just like a loyal dog.

 Just down the road is this little creek. It easily overflows its banks after a big rain and the kid like to toss in pine straw and sticks to watch them swirl around and away.

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